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No matter what your age,  it is important to maintain a daily skin care regimen.

Your face is what people first see when they meet you. It's important to keep your skin clean, and develop healthy habits that will keep it beautiful for a lifetime.

Tips to Gorgeous Skin

  • Never go to bed with your makeup on. Clean, moisturized skin is best.

  • Drink plenty of water, if you're well hydrated, your skin will be too.

  • Smoking, drinking and drugs have substantial negative affects on the skin.

  • Maintain healthly diet and lifestyle. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

  • Practice a good  daily skin care routine which should include an exfoliation 1-2 times a week.

  • Use sunscreen daily - even if the weather is overcast, cold or pouring with rain.

  • Beauty sleep - is exactly that! Getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night makes a real difference to your skin.

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