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Privacy Statement


We are committed to protecting your privacy. Only authorized employees within the company, and who are on a need to know basis, have access to information collected from individual customers. Phase Essentials uses PayPal as our credit card merchant, and therefore this protects the client’s bank and credit card information. Phase Essentials and it’s employees never have access to the client’s credit card or bank account information, that is kept completely protected by PayPal.


We will not sell, share, or rent your personal information or your e-mail address to any third party for unsolicited mail. Any emails sent by this Phase Essentials will only be in connection with orders placed by the buyer or a company representative, and occasional promotional notices regarding sales or other special events. If you receive a promotional notice and you would like to be removed from those mailings, simply reply to the e-mails to have your address removed from the mailings.


About Cookies: This website uses cookies.  By using this website and agreeing to this policy, you consent to Phase Essential's use of cookies in accordance with the terms of this policy. Cookies are files sent by web servers to web browsers, and stored by the web browsers. The information is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server.  This enables a web server to identify and track web browsers. There are two main kinds of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies.  Session cookies are deleted from your computer when you close your browser, whereas persistent cookies remain stored on your computer until deleted, or until they reach their expiry date.


Phase Essentials uses the information we collect about you for a variety of business purposes, including but not limited to:

  • responding to your questions and requests
  • providing you with access to certain areas and features of the Sites
  • verifying your identity
  • fulfilling product purchases
  • communicating with you about your account and activities on the Sites
  • processing applications and transactions 


Google Cookies: Phase Essentials uses Google Analytics to analyze the use of this website.  Google Analytics generates statistical and other information about website use by means of cookies, which are stored on users' computers.  The information generated relating to our website is used to create reports about the use of the website. Google will store and use this information.  Google's privacy policy is available at:


Refusing Cookies: Most browsers allow you to refuse to accept cookies.  In Internet Explorer, you can refuse all cookies by clicking “Tools”, “Internet Options”, “Privacy”, and selecting “Block all cookies” using the sliding selector.  In Firefox, you can adjust your cookies settings by clicking “Tools”, “Options” and “Privacy”. Blocking cookies will have a negative impact upon the usability of our website.


Third-Party Links: In an attempt to provide increased value to our visitors Phase Essentials may link to Sites operated by third parties. However, even if the third party is affiliated Phase Essentials has no control over these linked Sites, all of which have separate privacy and data collection practices independent of Phase Essentials. These linked Sites are provided only for your convenience and therefore you access them at your own risk. Nonetheless, Phase Essentials seeks to protect the integrity of its website and the links placed upon it and therefore requests any feedback on its own Site and sites it links to (including if a specific link does not work).

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