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Preparing skin to receive the active hydration principles of the complete line of Hydration formulations is key to maximizing benefits for your thirsty deflated skin. Maintaining the integrity of the ph mantle of your skin is an important step in proper hydration and restoration. This beautiful formulation incorporates a solid line up of amino acids to rebuild a weakened cellular matrix, and soothing and calming botanicals help to open the pores to receive the active ingredients. Organic msm delivers polysaccharides and antioxidants deeply into the heart of your skin cells while pure cold pressed plant oils, along with hyaluronic acid firm up and tone the skins surface. Quench your face and let the beauty reign.

Hydrating Facial Toner

  • 70% Organic...

    Our Hydrating Facial Toner leaves your skin feeling plump, smooth, clean, refreshed and balanced.

    Contains: Botanical Hyaluronic Acid, Rose Hip Oil and Tea Tree Oil

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